Monday, September 8, 2014

Ways for KU alumni to help hold KU accountable for preventing assault & serving survivors


    • Join students for a community forum on the issue on Tuesday, September 9 at 7pm in the Ecumenical Campus Ministries building at 1204 Oread Avenue. Say you’re attending on social media and share the event using the hashtags #AGreatPlaceToBeUnsafe and #ExploreKU.


    • SIGN OUR PETITION! Add your name to our list of demands (below) for a more just KU at Then, share!

    • Email Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little at her request at with your thoughts about how KU can better prevent and respond to sexual assault. 3 important things to do in your email:
      • 1. Indicate that you will not donate to the University or any of its affiliated programs like the Endowment fund (and then don’t!) until she publicly announces a plan to meet student demands around sexual assault prevention and response.
      • 2. If you have children, tell the Chancellor you can’t in good conscience send them to KU until you know they’ll be safe. We welcome prospective students in your family to make their voices heard as well.
      • 3. Share the September Siblings’ demands, which are as follows:
    • Immediate investigation by the Provost’s Office  into the Office of Student Affairs and Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access.
    • Install a victim’s advocate within the University Judicial Process, utilizing GaDuGi.
    • Immediate budget increase to $35,000 for the Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity.
    • Mandatory sexual assault training for all KU students that is comparatively rigorous to AlcoholEdu.
    • The minimum punishment for sexual assault and harassment must exceed the punishment for plagiarism.
    • Revision of KU’s sexual assault and harassment adjudication and sanctioning policies, to be completed before 2015.
    • Performance of said revisions by a committee of at least 51% students, and final approval by the Student Senate.
    • Re-investigating cases of professors, admin and students still at KU who were accused of sexual assault and harassment.
    • Allow for filers from 2012-present to appeal IOA decisions to a new panel
    • Elimination of the term “non-consensual sex.” It is rape.

  • Share your email to the Chancellor on social media using the #AGreatPlaceToBeUnsafe and #ExploreKU hashtags.

  • Share any of the news stories posted at along with your thoughts at the #AGreatPlaceToBeUnsafe and #ExploreKU hashtags on Facebook and Twitter.

  • If you would like to make a financial donation please address your support to the Emily Taylor Center for Women and Gender Equity so that they may continue their work in empowering KU students through educational training and exemplary guidance.