Thursday, September 4, 2014

University Daily Kansan: Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little releases statement on campus sexual assault

Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little releases statement on campus sexual assault

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Posted: Thursday, September 4, 2014 2:50 pm | Updated: 3:25 pm, Thu Sep 4, 2014.
Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little released a statement Thursday afternoon about sexual assault at the University. The statement comes on the heels of the Huffington Post article detailing the sexual assault hearing process at the University and student outrage.
The statement was emailed out to all students at the University and discusses how the University would like students to work to prevent sexual assault.
“We cannot have police officers in every room or at every party, and you wouldn’t want us to,” Gray-Little said. “So we also expect you – each one of you – to look out for each other and to be willing to take action when you know something is wrong, or to report to the proper authorities so they can take action.”
The statement also said that the University continues to work to improve it’s sexual assault hearing process.
“We have and will continue to meet with student leaders and a network of partners on- and off-campus on how we can improve our response, but we can’t do this alone,” Gray-Little said.