Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lawrence Journal-World: KU student group demands investigation into handling of sexual assault allegations


KU student group demands investigation into handling of sexual assault allegations

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September 9, 2014
A group of Kansas University students is circulating a petition calling on Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little to order an investigation into the KU office that investigates allegations of sexual assault and has released a video with anonymous people saying they were raped on campus.
The group is also warning potential students, telling them not to pick KU as their school.
"KU is not a safe place for students and no high school seniors should enroll here until it is," said the group, which includes Emma Halling, acting student body president, and other student leaders.
The actions were sparked by recent reports of a KU student who said she was raped in 2013 and her alleged assailant was given a lenient punishment. KU has declined to comment on the case, citing confidentiality required by federal law. Douglas County District Attorney Charles Branson has said his office is reviewing the case.
The petition wants Gray-Little's administration to investigate KU's offices of Institutional Opportunity & Access and Student Affairs.
It also wants mandatory sexual assault training for all KU students and elimination of the term "non-consensual sex" in investigations. "It is rape," the petition states.
The petition also calls for the re-investigation of cases of professors, administrators and students who are still at KU and who were accused of sexual assault and harassment.