University of Kansas student unhappy with school's punishment for her alleged rapist
LAWRENCE, Kan. - A University of Kansas student called it rape. The university said it was "nonconsensual sex.”
KU has received national attention after the Huffington Post shared a freshman's experience of underage drinking and a subsequent alleged rape .
The KU student who reported the rape last October is still a student.
She said a classmate assaulted her in his dorm room after she got drunk at an off-campus fraternity party.
She reported the incident to campus police.
The university investigated the case and found the accused student responsible of "nonconsensual sex."
This university terminology upset KU junior Isabella Hampton. She believed sexual assaults need to be taken more seriously on campus.
"If we're in an environment where we call rape nonconsensual sex it's obviously a problem," Hampton said.
The university put the accused student on probation, banned him from university housing and forced him to write a four-page reflection paper.
The victim's attorney told 41 Action News they filed a second complaint against the same classmate regarding an incident that happened before the October assault.
The Douglas County District Attorney released a statement that read in part:
"This matter remains under investigation and no final decision has been made; it would be improper for me to comment on the strengths or weakness of the allegations."
Thursday afternoon chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little sent a letter to students, faculty and staff.
"One of the promises we make to anyone who reports sexual assault is to never publicly discuss details of cases without permission."
The chancellor is also asking students to participate in Sexual Assault Awareness Week which starts September 15th.